Friday, November 23, 2007


Last week I celebrated a milestone moment in my weight-loss life. To date I have lost 101 lbs and gone under 200 lbs. I felt really great about this and proud of the hardwork I put into this goal. I also thought wouldn't it be nice to feel this great about myself for having done absolutely nothing at all. Instead just wake up in the morning feeling this way and realize it was a beautiful day. Perhaps something to aspire to in the future.

This week I mourned the loss of my very special little furry friend. My sweet little Scooter Pie rabbit. At the ripe old age of 14 we finally had to put her down because her hips gave out on her. She was a beauty. Very fiesty and full of personality. She was a great communicator and would flip her food plate when she was hungry. When she was thirsty she would put a single poo in her water bowl to remind us to change it. She communicated so very clearly without saying a word.

I realize there is always a mixture of sadness and celebration. No matter where we are in our lives. The only choice we have is how to deal with it.

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