In my real trip to Iceland it was Fall and there was not a lot of snow but a lot of rain. I did ride an Icelandic horse but did not buy any pottery. I did see the Northern lights and it was amazing. They were these electric greenish purple hues dancing in the dark liquid sky. It was very dream like.
My dreamland-Iceland was similar to Vermont in winter except darker and with beautiful dreamy green shimmering Northern Lights streaking across the sky. There were no roads and everything was covered in snow. So, peaceful and quiet.
At some point I was riding a beautiful red Icelandic horse with a blond mane and tail. The most exciting part of the dream was when I became the horse. I remember hearing my hooves patter in the snow and feeling comforted in the sound of the bells on my bridal. Icelandic horses have this wonderful special trot called a "troit". It is unique to the breed of horse and it makes them look like they are gliding. Exactly what I was doing in my dream. Gliding. Feeling that freedom of movement. Almost floating. I was strong and sure footed. I knew what my purpose was -- in the most basic sense -- was to move through the snow.
What do I learn from this? Why did I have this dream? What is it telling me?
One of the most interesting exercises in life coaching is using dream analysis to inform you of your own inner dialogue. I ask myself these questions in relationship to my horse dream and realize that I am sure-footed emotionally and now am beginning again to enjoy movement again after having lost 120 lbs. Since, I have literally dumped a lot of baggage I was dragging around I realized that I enjoy movement again. Since my weight-loss there is a freedom that I haven't had in a long time. I was curious as to what Viggio was up to these days and when I looked him up on the web I discovered he is having a photography exhibit at the Reykjavik Photography Museum. So very interesting...
The green Northern lights featured prominently in my dream and to me relates to the green chakra. When green is activated, the person has reached an emotionally deeper understanding of oneself and of others. The green chakra lets the person understand that there is a living, fragile person inside who needs and deserves love. Hello -- this is me! I need this reminder. Sometimes I feel like a tootsie pop -- tough outer shell covering a soft gooey inside.
I believe strongly in animals as signs and symbols in our lives. The Horse totem conveys freedom and the power that comes with being free. Those with this totem are teachers to their partners, friends and family showing them how to stand solid within themselves. Individuals who choose to be involved with a horse person do so because the need for self empowerment is strong. Because horse medicine people hold the energy of power their leadership and teaching skills are usually in demand. Intuitive and wise they make excellent therapists. They enjoy helping others but often feel as if there is no one to lead or teach them. Horses give their riders the safety of speed and the promise of adventure. If horse has come to you, you are being offered a gift of safe movement. Is there somewhere that you want or need to go? A Horse can help you get there, whether the place is physical or spiritual. Is their a new venture you want to undertake? Call on horse to help you create it. Are there challenges in front of you that you dot want to deal with? If so, the horse asks you to awaken your inner power and move forward with courage. During my new venture as a life coach I feel secure in my abilities to help others but sometimes doubt myself and stop from moving forward. I work on curing my doubt by believing in myself.
The other elements were a sense of peace in my life and the ability to access art and creativity. I look forward to find more ways to invite art into my life.
Autistic Artist -- This dream was more anxiety producing and had to do with my struggle to express myself adequately. I was an autistic artist who speaks French, Spanish, Chinese and sign language. In English I struggle to get the words out and they choke in my throat. I was wearing a head set (like a telemarketer) and a bright yellow outfit that I looked smashing in and I was told to sing a song for the audience. I felt confident that I knew the words but the music started and I realized it was the wrong song playing. I realized I didn't know the words so I just tried to fake them. It didn't go over well. As I walked around the room I realized sprinkled throughout my audience was every evil, awful, boss I ever worked for. Sitting there, mumbling to themselves and just shaking their crazy heads and criticizing me for my "shortcomings". I was torn between feeling proud and and being embarrassed that I tried to fake my way through something and not asking for help. Wow, I just realized that last part as I was writing it. Trying to fake my way through and not asking for help has been a recurring theme in my life. I have worked very hard to realize it is NOT a shortcoming to recognize and ask for help. In fact, I have been quite proud that I learned this lesson this year and put it into action.
In my dream each language I spoke expressed a different mood or feelings. I think French was for passion and play, Chinese was something about connecting to the exotic or completely other than me. Spanish was second nature since I used to speak and write it fluently. Sign language was interesting because it was deeply personal and a way to connect on a different level with another person.
Signing or performing in front of an audience is something I haven't done in a very long time. But, always fully enjoyed and was good at. The color yellow was interesting, in terms of chakras it relates to Chakra Three: Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition. The yellow chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power. So, in essence my dream was about my own personal power and how I let in the criticism of others to diminish my own strength. Again, reaffirming for me to listen to my own intuition and not take in others critique above and beyond my own. ~
Have you had any good dreams lately? Tell me about them and we can do a dream analysis!
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