Sunday, December 23, 2007

I am Body-Wise?

How do I listen to my body when it needs rest? Do I listen? What clues does it give me?

Recently, I have been dealing with debilitating back pain and sciatica with shooting, burning pain and numbness down my leg and into my foot. It took this as a serious message from my body for me to stop, take a rest, slow down, and take care of myself.

So many of us ignore our bodies. The physical therapist that I have been seeing put it so aptly. "The louder and angrier the nerve is -- the greater and further the pain is felt." The nerve that was compressed in my back was doing a fantastic job of communicating! I was angry and tired of taking care of other people and putting myself last. I was sad about my rabbit dying and still trying to put my grief aside to coach my clients and take care of their needs.

So much a part of my coaching is coaching myself through the same issues that I will be tackling with my clients. I know this makes me sympathetic and a better coach. Plus it also gives me another tool to practice on myself first and then help others with. So, I have the capacity to be body-wise and need to tune-in to myself to listen.

During this holiday season I will practice this tuning-in as much as I can. I will meditate with a great CD by Belleruth Naparstek called "Relaxation and Wellness" which uses both creative visualization and positive statements that allow me to reinforce this goodwill and "feed my mind" with positive messages. I will continue to feed myself well. Not denying myself tastes of cookies or sweets but also making sure I take my vitamins and supplements and drink my protein shakes, and eat beautiful, colorful, tasty well balanced meals. As my pain subsides and my back improves, I will resist the urge to push and do more than feels good. I will allow my body to continue to heal and rest and enjoy the respite from taking care of others.

I will listen to the anger, feel it, express it, and honor the message. I will not ignore the pain of the loss of my furry friend. I will ask for help when I need it and not expect others to read my mind. I will be grateful that my back improves and that I can continue my friendship with my body, my trusted friend and ally.

I think being Body-wise is being body aware. Not having all the answers but allowing the conversation to continue and keeping the communication open like in any ongoing relationship. Ignoring pain makes it fester.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Rest for the Angry Pirate

I will share my story more as a cautionary tale so we can all remember to give ourselves a break. Plus you may also get a laugh over it.

The week of thanksgiving I had to put my sweet little 14 year old bunny rabbit to sleep and then I had my long-time therapist call me to cancel our very last appt together (our final - say goodbye and finish therapy appt) and then I had to cook a turkey for my parents (adult children of alcoholics) who both "white knuckle it" through the holidays with "company grins".

Amongst all this I have been coaching my certification client who I dread and every time I talk to I get a stomach ache. She is like visiting a black hole for a little over an hour every week. I spend my days smiling (just got the reference point on that one), trying to ignore my right foot (which was numb), taking pain killers that make me fuzzy, and sitting on an ice pack so I could function, eat dinner, and work everyday.

That holiday weekend I was in the ER because the pain was so bad my whole leg was numb and I had searing hot pain down my leg and back. I was walking around like a pirate w/ a very bad attitude because I also was not sleeping at night from the pain. ARE THERE ENOUGH BODY COMPASS SIGNS TO TELL WHAT IS GOING ON YET?

I had a coaching session w/ my buddy Ginny last week whilst lying on the floor of my living room on my stomach (because I can't sit, stand or walk properly) and balled my eyes out like a baby. She said very simply, "Why don't you take a break?"

It was like the heavens opened up and I heard the harps. I emailed all my clients said I was unavail until January 7th and took an afternoon off from work and bought some books I have been meaning to read and finally felt relief.

I can honestly admit that I feel okay that I don't have a website, or a seminar, or a book, or lots of clients. I don't have a column or blog that anyone reads. But I do have 2 free clients who care about the work we do together. Now I have to stop trying to make the relationship with my certification client work, end it and allow coaching to happen and stop the trying.

I only hobble mildly now, my big toe is still numb but I feel much clearer and loose about the future of my coaching and all things seem easier.

I am the type of person that wants to push, push, push, must go and do and be doing all the time. If I can give myself a break then so can all of you.

I say we all deserve it! I wish you all naps, not thinking too much, not being hard on yourselves, and giving yourself a much needed break. Much love, and light and peace to you all!