Sunday, September 28, 2008
What now?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
What I am Wrestling with Right Now
Sunday, June 22, 2008
What I Believe In
I want to do a short list of things I believe in:
*very simply I believe in myself
*that my intuition never steers me wrong
*my body knows half of the equation and my mind the rest
*my thoughts lie to me sometimes
*crossing stuff off a "to do list" is most satisfying
*I am young at heart and an old soul
*I connect with people for a reason so I can work stuff out
*everyone I meet throughout the day and in my life right now has a lesson to teach me
*every negative experience is a gift (maybe unwanted but a gift the same)
*every religion has it completely wrong and completely right and cancels each other out
*anyone who tells me what I should think or feel is WRONG
*coaches, teachers, leaders and friends help me open doors and discover things about myself
*eyes are the windows to the soul (i see this in animals as well)
*love doesn't fix a relationship but helps to give you a foundation on which to build
*self-respect is as necessary as breathing
*people who are the most disrespectful have the least amount of self-respect
*"I am not my hair, I am not this skin, I am not your expectations...I am the soul that lives within" (thanks IndiArie)
*I know when things are going to happen but not always why
*when I am meditating or in a deeply relaxed state someone holds my hand and puts their hands on my shoulders (this used to freak me out but now I understand it is meant to be comforting)
*alternative healing methods (Reiki, acupuncture, energy work, colors, Chakras, guided imagery, toning, meditation, and animal totems) work
*we always know the answers but sometimes just can't ask the questions
*learning to allow myself to make mistakes and failing has been my salvation
*I was always beautiful no matter what size my clothes were
*my spirit burns bright enough for everyone to see
*the only opinion that matters is mine
*I like people who are like me but there there is some of me in everyone
*I am a mirror
*I have lived before and will come back again maybe as a horse
*I expect the worst from my family so I won't be disappointed somtimes I am pleasantly surprised
*one of my assets is that I have been equipped with mental toughness and it pulls me thru
*If I screw up or regret something it is usually because I made a decision based on fear
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
We live what we believe
So why did I feed myself this "I am neglected story?" I am not sure. Perhaps I wasn't asserting my needs clearly enough. Perhaps I wasn't paying enough attention to my inner self. What I realized this week is that I need to continually ask myself who the real me is and take my stand and step into the light and realize my power. Not judge but observe and reconnect to me without all the window dressing.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
How old are you?
On the other end of the spectrum I have beautiful, wise-beyond their years, nieces who seem much older than their tender ages. They are thoughtful and funny and very wise. They can be reflective and have insights that are so unexpected from someone so young. I marvel at them.I myself feel much younger than forty and know I look at least 30 on my good days. I bought my first real expensive pair of Lucky jeans this weekend and I know I felt maybe 20 if not a "totally psyched" 16 year old. As I started at my butt, in the 3 way mirror I was thinking -- how old am I really? Is it physical or just mental or a combination of both?
If age is in part a mental state what keeps you young? I think in part it is extreme self care. Not just vigilance but healthy eating, exercise, love, companionship, and mental exercise. Clearing out the clutter and doing a brain dump of all the crap we so easily carrying around and accumulate over the years. It is noise and confusion and worry. Yoga, meditation, and exercise are activities that lend themselves to moving mental clutter. Also talking to supportive and loving friends, spouses, and colleagues can help. Therapy and life coaching can also help. Sometimes we forget we also have ourselves to rely on. I frequently have conversations with myself to try to sort things out.
How do you measure your age? I am glad not to be 20 again in terms of experience and a much improved self image. I wish however, sometimes I could go backwards in time with the same knowledge and experience I have as a 40 year old. But, that would be cheating wouldn't it? The only yearning would be to have some of that perceived sense of freedom. Somehow the world was yet undiscovered. I suppose the only limitations are the ones inside my own 40 year old head but don't tell my 20+ body it can't surf just yet.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I am NOT my thoughts
I went to a book signing and lecture by my mentor, Martha Beck the other night. She is just so good at what she does. She is a like a laser beam. She focuses so sharply and eloquently on negative thinking in her new book "Steering by Starlight." I love her to death and I am an admitted and unabashed Martha Beck groupie (kind of like a dead-head but no drugs -- we get blissed out on life man!) She was talking about how it is our thoughts about our story that cause us pain. As humans we are the only animals that can create and anticipate a fear response that is actually worse that the pain we might actually encounter. Meaning what we think about a future painful event is actually worse than the pain itself.
Here are just some of my internal thoughts right this second (in no order of importance):
*my blog sucks and who would want to read my own internal dialogue
*I fear judgement that I am not creative or intellect or eloquent
*does my butt look big in these pants?
*I am awesome and I kick ass!
*I am so psyched to be the age I am now and not a smoker and can climb 3 flights of stairs without being out of breath.
*where did my butt go?
*how great is my job that while I am at work I can write in my blog?
*I will get fired for writing on my blog while at work.
*The guy who sits behind me has a good phone voice.
*Probably because he smokes too many cigarettes.
*I am so glad I am not 20-something years old again.
*I can be 40 and still be cool.
*why do I care about being cool?
Thankfully, I can laugh and observe these random thoughts. Notice anything? Any trends? I think a lot about what other people think of me. When I get to observe and step outside of my thoughts, I begin to question this. Do I really care what other people think? Should I really care what other people think? I care what I think. Then I think I am NOT my thoughts.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Not everyone gets a seat at the table
Friends and boyfriends cannot be created like sea-monkeys -- just add a little water and bingo insta-buddy. It takes time to know and grow any kind of relationship. I think some of these folks have broken filters. They let in too many and too much -- without discriminating.
People -- family, friends, especially boyfriends, -- either bring light,laughter, and love into your life or they DRAIN YOU OF YOUR PRECIOUS ENERGY.
When you allow everyone to have equal weight in your life you give away a precious commodity (your time and energy and your specialness). That may sound cheesy but it is a lesson I have learned and know to be true.
It is not selfish to think of your time and your life as being precious and look only to associate, befriend or date people who lift you up and who work hard to love you the way you need it.
Anyone (even in jest) who would speak to in a degrading way is not someone worth your time. As my spouse says, "Dump their ass! Kick them to the curb!"
I try really hard to find and allow people in my life who have qualities I admire or aspire to. My spouse is one of them. He is honest, forthright, and always the first one to apologize when he is wrong (even more so than me). He thinks of me first and I always like and admire the qualities he has. He has never told me to "shut up" or called me a 'bitch" or ever, ever spoke to me in any other way other than respectful. I can't always say that I have done the same. It doesn't mean he is perfect but instead we have a equal partnership.
I wish the same for you, my family, my friends, my lovely sweet intelligent nieces and nephews. If you were in front of me I would say this, "You are so smart and have so much to offer. I know you are young and on a journey and haven't quite worked everything out. That is to be expected. I just wanted to let you know that I am not judging you but trying to offer you advice. I want to see you have people in your life that offer you as much as you offer them."
Ultimately, it is about creating healthy boundaries in your life so can protect yourself and expend your energy on yourself first then selectively on others you care about and return the favor.
I see so many friends and family literally "spinning their wheels" drained of all their energies trying to get others to love them the way they need to be loved. It is pointless and fruitless and makes them so very unhappy. A good friend of my likes everyone equally. She will arrive present in hand at the birthday party of some acquaintance and wonder why she has no time for herself and is stressed out at her job. I once asked her why she assumes she likes everyone when she doesn't screen them. How can she have something in common with everyone she meets? That is just not possible.
I have 2 images that come to mind. One is so very simple from aviation. When you are flying and the cabin depressurises, you are instructed to fit your own oxygen mask on first before assisting anyone else (including your own children). Why?Because if you are oxygen deprived you cannot ever help anyone -- including yourself! Secondly, if you strapped a bag of sand on your back and it slowly leaked out where would your trail lead? Would you be leaving great heapfuls of sand with people you barely know? Now imagine the sand is gold (or in this economy gasoline). Would you make different choices with your time?